Department list
- 胸部肿瘤放化疗Ⅰ疗区
- Chest tumor Radlotherapy and Chemotherapy Ⅰ Treatment Area
- 胸部肿瘤放化疗Ⅱ疗区
- Chest tumor Radlotherapy and Chemotherapy Ⅱ Treatment Area
- 胸部肿瘤放化疗Ⅲ疗区
- Chest tumor Radlotherapy and Chemotherapy Ⅲ Treatment Area
- 乳腺肿瘤诊疗中心
- Breast cancer treatment center
- 头颈肿瘤放化疗疗区
- Head and Neck Tumor Radlotherapy Chemotherapy Treatment Area
- 消化道肿瘤放化疗Ⅰ疗区
- Gastrointestnal Tumor Radotherapy Chemotheapy Ⅰ Treatment Area
- 消化道肿瘤放化疗Ⅱ疗区
- Gastrointestnal Tumor Radotherapy Chemotheapy Ⅱ Treatment Area
- 放射治疗中心
- Radiotherapy Center
- 妇科放化疗
- Interventional therapy
- 介入治疗科
- Interventional Therapy Center
- 淋巴瘤/血液病科
- Lymphoma / Hematological Disease
- 甲状腺外科/肝胆胰/腹膜后软组织外科
- Hepatobiliary Pancreatic / Retroperitoneal Surgery
- 结直肠肛门外科
- Colorectal and Anal Cancer Surgery
- 耳鼻喉头颈外科
- Otolaryngology Head and Neck Radiotherapy Surgery
- 泌尿外科
- Urology Surgery
- 胃肠外科
- Gastrointestinal Surgery
- 神经外科
- Department of Neurosurgery
- 胸外科/肺结节诊疗中心
- Thoracic Surgery
- 产科
- Obstetrics Department
- 骨科
- Orthopaedics
- 妇科
- Gynaecology
- 儿科
- Pediatrics
- 呼吸内科
- Respiratory Medicine
- 消化内科
- GI Medicine
- 脑血管病中心
- Cerebrovascular Disease Center
- 内分泌风湿免疫内科
- Department of Endocrine Rheumatology and Immunology
- 肾病中毒内科
- Internal Medicine Department of Nephrosis
- 心血管疾病诊疗中心
- Cardiovascular Medicine Center
- 96120急救中心
- First Aid Centre 96120
- 健康体检中心
- Health Examination Center
- 医学影像中心
- Medical Imaging Center
- 临床检验中心
- Clinical Testing Center
- 核医学科
- Nuclear Medicine Department
- 内镜中心
- Endoscopy center
- 电诊科
- Electrodiagnosis Department
- 病理科
- Pathology Department
- 皮肤科
- Dermatology
- 手术中心
- Operation Center
- 康复中心
- Rehabilitation Center
- 月子会所
- Maternity hotels
- 中医科
- Traditional Chinese Medicine department
- 生殖医学中心
- Reproductive Medicine Centre
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- 隐私条款
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